There are different procedures at Backstage Beauty to permanently remove hair. One of them is to have your hair lasered – which you can do with us in Zurich! If you want to be hair-free on the armpits, chest, face and legs, then we recommend long-term treatment. A laser device is used for hair removal, which removes the hair in just a few steps. In this article, you can read how hair lasers work and why you are at the right address at our cosmetic studio in Zurich.



If you have decided on laser treatment, you have the advantage of permanently eliminating annoying body hair. You can have your hair lasered in all parts of the body – stomach, back, legs or the bikini line. There are no limits here, and that is the beauty of this treatment.
How exactly does that work? The laser guides high-energy light of a certain wavelength through the skin and even into the hair roots. The pigment melanin from the hair follicle absorbs the light from the laser and then passes it on to the surrounding cells, which then convert it into heat energy. A temperature of 70 degrees is reached, and the cells are damaged and cannot supply hair or support growth. This means that new hair cannot continue to grow and existing hair will fall out.



You can have your hair lasered in Zurich with us at Backstage Beauty, but you should first make a trial appointment with us, as it is not suitable for every hair type. Laser is particularly suitable for hair that is dark. If you have light blonde, white or gray hair, it can be more difficult as the root does not contain melanin and thus cannot absorb the light and could cause burns. Furthermore, thin hair or hair fluff cannot be removed because the hair must have a certain thickness so that the laser beams can detect the hair. 



It can quickly lead to skin injuries, especially burns, if it is done unprofessionally. You should always put yourself in the hands of an experienced cosmetic studio.

Even before starting treatment, you should pay attention to a few points:

– No sunbathing or visits to the solarium for three to four weeks

– No wax at least 14 days before the laser treatment, do not pluck or epilate

– You need to shave your hair one day before the laser treatment. The hair should be a maximum of 0.5 millimeters long. Long hair = more painful

First, each part of the body is cooled to relieve the pain. The expert then uses the laser for permanent hair removal to work on the areas to be treated. So that you can get an idea: It takes about 10 minutes to laser on the upper lip and about an hour on the leg. After the laser treatment, make sure that you do not go to the solarium or the sun for three to four weeks in order to avoid pigmentation disorders. Even on sunny winter days, you should definitely wear a high sun protection factor on your face if you have had a facial treatment.



The SHR method is a mixture of IPL and laser hair – the treatment procedure outlined and the tips on how to behave also apply to IPL hair removal. If you want to know more about this method, please read here: SHR hair removal

We at Backstage Beauty in Zurich use this method to laser hair.



Lasering in Zurich can cost a lot of time and money. Unfortunately, the laser can only deactivate the hair roots that are in the growth phase at the time of treatment. That is, depending on the body region, only between 20 and 30 percent. This requires between three and ten sessions at intervals of four to ten weeks until 90-95% of the hair has been removed.

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